Wednesday, July 25, 2007
VH Perryton
Hey everyone! we had a really good day prayer walkking around the park. we ended up praying for 4 hours or so. we will begin to sow seed stomorrow and i cant wait to see how God uses us and answers our prayers. I love you like chickens Mom,Dad, Halie, and Lacey!
K.H.W victoria
today was a hard but good day. we went to our park today and pr walked. it was challenging, but flew by. we all felt repetitive, but it worked. our park is beautiful, it has a lake and lots of trees and open fields. the city itself is beautiful i lvoe yall thanks for the prs
A.L.W. brock
hey yall. today was great. we pr walked for 4 and a half hours. i have so much to tellyall but i want to wait until i can tell you in person. well i love yall and miss yall
J.J.D. Beaumont
today was the first day on our site. i have never pr ed for so long. we pr ed for about 4 hours. pring for so long really teaches one a lot about themselves. it was really cool to see how europeans spend the day at the park and how they interest his is definitely a different experience but an awesome one.
CM Grandview, TX
Helloto everyone! well starting today life as i knew it will never be the same! Cologne is beautiful! cant say much now but will tell all later! B and T are doing great-prob much better than my 40 plus fee. i know we walked 5-8 miles today. did i say it's beautiful! Love ya! p.s. water the plants
J.S. gonzales
today was awesome. we pr walked on our site for about 5 hrs. it was tough but we all got through it . pr walk is a wonderful experience and i think i will continue after i am back home. love ya mom, love ya sarah
S.T.B. san angelo
today was so awesome we pr ed all day and got to hear father talk to us. we learned a lot about their culture and some german. but the cool thing is getting to spend whole day with father just takl to him. tomorrow hopefully we get to takl to some people. the food here is much better and love rice. love ya thanks for the prs.
EM Sweeny
today was crazy. we praywalked for 5 hours around the we will be at for the week. the park is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! the park is an awesome palce and I pary God would do some amazing things there. toeher than that we had worship this morning and the best ice cream youve ever tasted. thank yall so much for your praers and support.
T.B. palo pinto
hey yall. today was amazing. we walked a thousand miles probably. we walked through a park all day. so much fun i love you guys so much. mom, daddy, K and C. Bye guys.