Saturday, July 22, 2006
Well, everything is different... I realized how nieve I am to how blessed we are as Americans. Not that Germany is terrible, but the U.S. has a clean and comfortable feeling ...not exactly true here. But, I know God is faithful and He speaks to everyone. I miss you all and please keep praying. The week hasn't even taken off yet. Please pray for my feet as well. Lots and lots of walking!
KB Seguin, TX
Cologne is breath taking- it is very green and full of vergitation and old building that are architectural marvels. There is also a nice simplicity in some of the areas.
AC Marfa, TX
Hey!Today was our first day in Cologne. We've been up for almost 2 days. The food is great and the people are really really different. We saw a scuffle while we were eating Turkish pizza. Two lady cops had to come in and stop it. Well its's been great so far, I have to go now! Bye!
TG-Albany, TX
We walked threw the city. God to see all the different things. I would like yall to pray for strong bodies as everyone is digging.
JY Texarkana
We finally arrived and G has alrady truly blessed. we were at the airport about 7 hours longer tahn expected and were able to begin our m work from the ver begining by displaying a G attitude and singing songs. can't wait to see what G has in store.
B.T. Teague, Tx
After being delayed until 1 am at new jersey we finally made it to K late and we got to see some of the city but didn't to see much but we saw a little.
ELG-Coleman, TX
Wow, what a trip! 10 hours on the plane and then two more on a bus. When we got here we had the opportunity to find our way around the city. I am so tired because I have been up since 7 am yesterday. Please pray for rest and energy for this week!