Saturday, July 30, 2005

Flo S - Koln, Germany

I'll stay here in Cologne and try to find or even found a youth group! I want to be a servant to His word, and share it between the Christians of Germany. I wanna be a party of making sure that Koln will be a part of God's kingdom, not just in flesh, but also spirit!

I want everyone to know the Lords wonderful word!

JTK - Idalou

Through much prayer, God has said, lound and clear that I need to being to disciple those in my home town. It's excellent that I've helped out in Germany, but what travel when there is so much work to be done in my own backyard? So please be in prayer for Lubbock and for me.

AB - Texas City

I committed to disciple a younger youth and to use the four seasons just like I have here.

To re-enter Texas City like it is an M field and be obedient to what God is calling me to do.

ZRR - Santa Fe

I've been called to Harvest and life back up the church in South Houston (Santa Fe)

To continue praying for Koln.

ALM - Vernon

Major plowing
Patient sowing
Joyful reaping
Diligent vintaging

Shake my town for God.

TU - League City

Continue to apply obedience over activity.
Ask God to lead me to the people I need to share for the Seasons with and follow through with that.
Talk to a young lade about discipling her.
Ask God to make it clear who should disciple me and seek that out.
Ask the M coordinator of our church I want to allow God to use me in helping our church become obedient -- on M Christians.

HD - Lubbock

Disciple a girl in my youth group.
Continue in M-work.

DM - Lubbock

I will find someone to disciple me and begin looking for someone to disciple.
I will begin teaching the Seasons to my adult leadership.