Monday, July 17, 2006
G has used me and worked with everyone. Glory be to him. He has blessed us all with a great week that we will all remember. Thank you L! Glory and Honor to You alone.
MB Sapulpa, OK
Today was fun. We had our picnic and the teacher of the soccer team we played with yesterday came.I was so glad that 1 person that we talked to came. That was really cool. i also talked to a lady today. She told me that if she could she would have taken me out to show me sites. I tried to talk about religion but she said it was hard to explain. She did say that she believed in a higher power. I asked her what she called it, and she said she called it G. it was so cool to talk to her. The picnic was a GREAT IDEA and HIT!
While leaving our area, we saw a teacher of the students we played soccer with. We didn't have time to talk to him so we invited him to the picnic, and talked to him at the picnic.
GH warvette, OK
Hello, today was an ok day. Idid not get to sow any seeds today but maybe it was G's purpose for today. The picnic was awesome though i got to talk to some peop[le tonight. This is the last post so i love you.
LS Claremore,OK
Today was amazing! It was our last day at our OTA. I can't wait to tell you guys all the stories. I am going to misss this place and my team. Right now we are at a picnic and i am laughing with P and B about stupid stuff. I'll see you when I get home! Love you lots! BYE!
RLR Tish, OK
Today was pretty cool. I just miss my colby alot. I called fanta, fantana. It was a little bit funny. If you were there you would understand. I played some awesome soccer. Talked to some people but they seemed turned off.That upset me a bit, but G has a purpose for me and it's for his glory.
HP Tulsa, OK
Today was our last of regular schedule. Played "Big Booty" of course. We had a picnic for everyone we met this week. Uh-Huh.
MB Sapulpa, OK
There were some points today that were tough on our group. We, however, pressed onand continued to pr. I was able to speak with a little old catholic lady today. I told her a bit about what we believed but she was pretty set in her beliefs. I ask for pr for her because she seemed lonely.